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Second Chances

Loan Preparation Program

Partnering with banks, credit unions, and personal loan lenders, our program empowers individuals who have faced loan denials by providing valuable resources and guidance to improve financial standing.

Get Ready, Get Set

Unlock Your Financial Potential with the Consulytica Loan Prep Program

We are here with you every step of the way to prepare you for your financial future.We will work with you to change your relationship with credit and finance.

Enrolling is simple. Institutions work with Consulytica to enroll borrowers in the program. Participants gain access to a suite of financial tools and resources designed to build positive financial habits and creditworthiness.

Consulytica leverages alternative data to assist participants in building credit. By adopting healthy financial habits and utilizing our resources, individuals can improve their credit standing and increase their chances of loan approval.

After completing the program, participants can return to the institution for the loan they originally applied for. The institution will assess the participant's credit progress using the Consulytica Credit Report, potentially leading to loan approval.

Have Questions? Gabby Has Answers! Curious about how a specific service works within Consulytica? Gabby is ready to assist, providing clear explanations and ensuring you make the most of our financial empowerment tools.

Join us on this empowering journey with Gabby as your trusted Financial Co-Pilot, bringing expertise, guidance, and personalized support to every aspect of your financial life. Get ready to unlock your financial potential with Consulytica and Gabby by your side!

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